
文化・芸能・学術  |札幌市中央区





 Artistic interpretation of the Mediterranean geography during its evaporative drawdown, after complete disconnection from the Atlantic. The rivers carved deep gorges in the exposed continental margins; The concentration of salt in the remaining water bodies lead to rapid precipitation. The inset evokes the transit of mammals (e.g., camels and mice) from Africa to Iberia across the exposed Gibraltar Strait.
 大西洋から完全に遮断された後の蒸発乾燥した期間における地中海地理の想像図。 河川は露出した大陸棚に深い峡谷を刻み、塩分の濃縮は残留水域に急速な沈殿をもたらした。挿入図は、露出したジブラルタル海峡を通ってアフリカからイベリアまでの哺乳動物(例えば、ラクダやネズミ)の通過を再現している。



 それは、カリフォルニア大学サンタバーバラ校の人類学の名誉教授、Brian Murray Fagan(1936〜)編著『 THE CONMPLETE ICE AGE』によれば、



 新生代中新世末期のメッシニア期(Messinian、724万6千年前〜533万2千年前)と呼ばれる階層の時代区分に地中海の海水が干上がった事象は20世紀後半に解明され、これをメッシニアン塩分危機(Messinian salinity crisis)と呼んでいます。


 Messinian salinity crisis
 The Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC), also referred to as the Messinian Event, and in its latest stage as the Lago Mare event, was a geological event during which the Mediterranean Sea went into a cycle of partly or nearly complete desiccation throughout the latter part of the Messinian age of the Miocene epoch, from 5.96 to 5.33 Ma (million years ago). It ended with the so-called Zanclean flood, when the Atlantic reclaimed the basin.


 Sediment samples from below the deep seafloor of the Mediterranean Sea, which include evaporite minerals, soils, and fossil plants, show that, about 5.96 million years ago in the late Miocene period, the precursor of the Strait of Gibraltar closed tight and the Mediterranean Sea, for the first time and then repeatedly, partially desiccated.

 5.6 Ma ago the strait closed for the last time and, because of the generally dry climate conditions, within a millennium the Mediterranean basin nearly completely desiccated, evaporating into a deep dry basin bottoming at some places 3 to 5 km (1.9 to 3.1 mi) below the world ocean level, with a few hypersaline Dead Sea–like pockets.

 Around 5.5 Ma, less dry climatic conditions allowed the basin to resume receiving more fresh water from rivers, with pockets of Caspian-like brackish waters getting progressively less hyper-saline, until the final reopening of the Strait of Gibraltar 5.33 Ma with the Zanclean flooding.


 Artistic interpretation of the flooding of the Mediterranean through the Gibraltar Strait.

 Even now the Mediterranean is saltier than the North Atlantic because of its near isolation by the Strait of Gibraltar and its high rate of evaporation. If the Strait of Gibraltar closes again, which is likely to happen in the near geological future (though extremely distantly on a human time scale), the Mediterranean would mostly evaporate in about a thousand years. After that, continued northward movement of Africa may obliterate the Mediterranean.
 Naming and first evidence
 The Messinian salt deposits that are outcropping (because they were uplifted by tectonic activity during later episodes) in places like Messina in Sicily, northeast Libya, Italy, and southern Spain have been described since the 19th century and it is then that the salinity crisis theory started to be developed.
 Karl Mayer-Eymar (1826〜1907) a Swiss geologist and palaeontologist, studied fossils between gypsum-bearing, brackish and freshwater sediment layers and identified them as having been deposited just before the end of the Miocene Epoch. In 1867, he named the period the Messinian, for the region of Messina. Since then, salt-bearing and gypsum-bearing evaporite layers in many Mediterranean countries have been dated to that period.

 スイスの地質学者・古生物学者、カール・マイヤーアイマー (1826〜1907)は、石膏層と汽水、淡水堆積物層間の化石を調査し、それが中新世末期に堆積したことを識別した。1867年、彼はその時期を、シシリー島のメッシーナにちなんでメッシニアンと命名した。それ以来、多くの地中海諸国における岩塩層と石膏層蒸発岩は、同時期のものとされている。

 Confirmation and further evidence
 In 1961, seismic surveying of the Mediterranean basin revealed a geological feature some 100–200 m (330–660 ft) below the seafloor. This feature, dubbed the M reflector, closely followed the contours of the present seafloor, proposing that it was laid down evenly and consistently at some point in the past. The origin of this layer was largely interpreted as related to salt deposition. However, different interpretations were proposed for the age of salt and its deposition.

 1961年、地中海海盆の地震波による探査が、海底下およそ100〜200 m の地質学的特徴を明らかにした。 この特徴はM反射面と名付けられ、密接に現在の海底の輪郭に従い、過去におけるいくつかの場所においては均等に一貫して堆積していることを示唆している。この層の由来は、主として塩分蒸着と関係があると解釈された。 しかしながら、異なった解釈が塩の年代とその蒸着に対して提案された。

 1957年にはフランスの地質学者ジョーゼス・デニゾー、1967年にはイタリアの地質学者ルジェリから、この層は時代的には中新世後期であったと提唱され、そして同じくルジェリが「メッシニアン塩分危機」(Messinian Salinity Crisis)という言葉を造り出しています。

 New and high quality seismic data on the M-reflector were acquired in the Mediterranean Basin in 1970, published by e.g. Auzende et al. (1971)
  At the same time, the salt was cored during Leg 13 of the Deep Sea Drilling Program conducted from the Glomar Challenger under the supervision of co-chief scientists William B.F. Ryan and Kenneth J. Hsu. All these deposits were indisputably dated and interpreted for the first time as deep-basin products of the Messinian Salinity Crisis.

 M反射面に関する新しく高品質な地震波データは、1970年に地中海海盆で採取され、e.g. Auzendeほか(1971)によって出版された。
 同時に、塩は共同チーフ科学者ウィリアム B.F. ライアンとケネス J.シューの管理の下、グローマー・チャレンジャー号から行われた深海掘削計画の行程13の間に切り出された。これらすべての堆積物は、明白に年代が確定されて、初めてメッシニアン塩分危機の深い海盆生成物と分析された。



 The first drilling of the Messinian salt at the deeper parts of the Mediterranean Sea came in the summer of 1970, when geologists aboard the Deep Sea Drilling Program drillship Glomar Challenger brought up drill cores containing arroyo gravels and red and green floodplain silts; and gypsum, anhydrite, rock salt, and various other evaporite minerals that often form from drying of brine or seawater, including in a few places potash, left where the last bitter, mineral-rich waters dried up.


 グローマー・チャレンジャー号のLeg 13(行程 13)


 Significant accomplishments of Leg 13 included:  行程13に含まれる重要な実績

 One drill core contained a wind-blown cross-bedded deposit of deep-sea foraminiferal ooze that had dried into dust and been blown about on the hot dry abyssal plain by sandstorms and ended up in a brine lake interbedded between two layers of halite. These layers alternated with layers containing marine fossils, indicating a succession of drying and flooding periods.

 The massive presence of salt does not require a desiccation of the sea. The main evidence for the evaporative drawdown of the Mediterranean comes from the remains of many (now submerged) canyons that were cut into the sides of the dry Mediterranean basin by rivers flowing down to the abyssal plain. For example, the Nile cut its bed down to several hundred feet below sea level at Aswan (where Ivan S. Chumakov found marine Pliocene foraminifers in 1967), and 2,500 m (8,200 ft) below sea level just north of Cairo.
 塩の大規模な存在は、海の乾燥を必要としない。地中海の蒸発による水位低下の主な証拠は、深海平原まで流れ落ちている河川によって、乾燥した地中海盆地の側面に切り込まれた、多くの(現在水没した)峡谷の残骸から得られる。たとえば、ナイル川はアスワン(そこではイヴァン S. チュマコフが1967年に海洋の鮮新世の有孔虫を見つけた)では、その層を海面下数百フィートまで切り下げた。それはちょうどカイロの北では海面下2500mになる。

 In many places in the Mediterranean, fossilized cracks have been found where muddy sediment had dried and cracked in the sunlight and drought. In the Western Mediterranean series, the presence of pelagic oozes interbedded within the evaporites proposes that the area was repeatedly flooded and desiccated over the course of 700,000 years.

 次回は、ジブラルタル海峡が開放されて、大西洋の海水が大流入したザンクレアン洪水(Zanclean flood)について調べてみませう。


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Posted by 嘉穂のフーケモン at 21:01│Comments(0)新生代