
Triassic flora as depicted in Meyers Konversations-Lexikon (1885〜90)
中生代は、三畳紀(Trias)、ジュラ紀(Jurassic)、白亜紀(Cretaceous)の三つの紀からなりますが、約4300万年に及ぶその最初の紀である三畳紀(Trias)という用語は、1834年、ドイツの地質学者フリードリッヒ・アウグスト・フォン・アルベルティ(Friedrich August von Alberti、1795〜1878)が、南ドイツに広く分布する3つの地層をまとめて三畳紀(Trias)と名づけたことによります。
… bunter Sandstein, Muschelkalk und Keuper das Resultat einer Periode, ihre Versteinerungen, um mich der Worte E. de Beaumont’s zu bedeinen, die Thermometer einer geologischen Epoche seyen, … also die bis jezt beobachtete Trennung dieser Gebilde in 3 Formationen nicht angemessen, und es mehr dem Begriffe Formation entsprechend sey, sie zu einer Formation, welche ich vorläufig Trias nennen will, zu verbinden."

Beitrag zu einer Monographie des bunten Sandsteins, Muschelkalks und Keupers, und die Verbindung dieser Gebilde zu einer Formation.(Stuttgart and Tübingen, J. G. Cotta, 1834)
1. コイパー泥灰岩(Keuper) 上畳統
The Keuper is a lithostratigraphic unit (a sequence of rock strata) in the subsurface of large parts of west and central Europe. The Keuper consists of dolostone, shales or claystones and evaporites that were deposited during the Middle and Late Triassic epochs (about 220 million years ago). The Keuper lies on top of the Muschelkalk and under the predominantly Lower Jurassic Lias or other Early Jurassic strata.
The Keuper together with the Muschelkalk and the Buntsandstein, all 3, form the Germanic Trias Group, a characteristic sequence of rock strata that gave the Triassic its name.

The Upper Triassic is well exposed in Swabia, Franconia, Alsace and Lorraine and Luxembourg; it extends from Basel on the east side of the Rhine into Hanover, and through England into Scotland and north-east Ireland; it appears flanking the central plateau of France and in the Pyrenees and Sardinia.
In south Sweden, the lower portion contains coal-bearing strata, as in the Himalayas, Japan, Tibet, Burma, eastern Siberia and in Spitsbergen. The upper portion of the Karoo Supergroup of South Africa and part of the Otapiri stage of New Zealand are probably of Rhaetian age.